I am wide awake
Thinking of how I get to
see your dimple again
That's a favorite
Thinking of how I get to
hold your hand
while you are driving
seemingly focused on the road
but I know sometimes
you sneak a glance at me
Thinking of how I get to
sing old 90's songs with you
You tell me you are not a good singer
but I listen anyway
I always listen to you anyway
I am wide awake
Thinking of how we will spend the day
And then eventually
coming to the conclusion
that no matter what we do today
I will be the happiest girl in the world
Thinking of how I will tell you how I feel
about Justin Bieber's new single
Thinking of your reaction when I tell you
that I love Justin Bieber's new song
Thinking of how I will make you laugh this time
Because that smile
That smile is always worth it.
I am wide awake
because I long for you
I am wide awake
because I can't wait for tomorrow or the next day
to be with you.